Coping Mechanisms for Everyday Life by- Jordan McGlamry When life becomes too stressful and overwhelming, we must all remember to take a step back and “Breathe Life”. Sometimes, even doing…
Non-Binary Abuse by- Whitney Derman Who identifies as Non-Binary? Non-Binary individuals identify outside of the male/female gender spectrum. Someone can identify with multiple genders, no gender, or a different gender altogether…
Weaponizing Nourishment: Abuse Through Food By- Roxanne Guiney An abuser can exert control and harm through food in many terrifying ways. They might feed their victims spoiled or otherwise inedible…
Rebuilding Finances After Financial Abuse By- Madeline Cadiz While not the most common, non-physical forms of abuse can be detrimental to the victims trapped in their situation (Owsley, 2018). One…
Isolation and Depression by- Jordan Mcglamry Throughout the pandemic, isolation was imperative to lessen the spread of the virus. However, isolation has a few drawbacks. HelpGuide offers the signs and…