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Kelly Dehn
Global Executive Director

Abuse Refuge Org    ARO
Our mission is vast and our outreach is global. There has never been an organization like ours with the scope and breadth of our doable objectives:
Breathe Life

Dear Survivor,

Over the expanse of my life, I have in one way or another, found solace in my ability to find solutions for the wounded, the homeless, the abused and the lost. I too was a victim of abuse in a variety of manner; I never gave up!

During my final struggle to hang on to life, I ultimately realized that all I needed was a “Hand Up” and not a “Hand Out”.  I was blessed to have a few Angelic Souls within reach who recognized the worth in me during a time when I couldn’t see my own value.

At Abuse Refuge Org, we provide a plethora of “Hand Ups” and a myriad of hope.

Call upon ARO and we will do our absolute best to guide, shelter and counsel you. Most importantly, we will help to secure you in the knowledge and understanding that your pain shall pass and your path towards healing starts with us.

Kelly Dehn
Global Executive Director &  Cofounder
Abuse Refuge Org

  • We are a gateway to your Abuse Free life
  • We challenge pathological lies with the truth
  • ARO provides a refuge and a place of wellness
  • We have the conversations no one else will endeavor

Please join ARO as a Staff or Champion Volunteer. We welcome your patronage, support and valuable contributions.  Our job boards and staff are awaiting your participation.

Don’t forget to check out our Domestic and International Internship Program.  Please don’t forget to make a worthy contribution.

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Where We Are Today at Norm Therapy®

Norm therapy®

Norm Therapy® is an innovative and transformative approach to healing, designed specifically for survivors of various forms of abuse. At its core, Norm Therapy® is more than just a method; it’s a journey towards empowerment and self-discovery. Developed with the understanding that abuse impacts individuals in profoundly unique ways, it offers a personalized path to healing that respects and responds to the individual needs of each survivor. This therapy transcends the traditional bounds of talk therapy by integrating specialized techniques, insights, and compassionate support, all aimed at helping individuals remember and understand the true narrative of their experiences. Rather than a one-size-fits-all solution, Norm Therapy® embraces the complexity of personal experiences, providing a safe, nurturing environment where survivors can explore their feelings, confront their trauma, and reclaim their sense of self. It stands as a beacon of hope and strength, guiding survivors out of the shadows of their past and into a future where they can thrive with courage, clarity, and renewed purpose. With Norm Therapy®, healing is not just a possibility; it’s a journey embarked upon with unwavering support and understanding, leading to a life redefined on one’s own terms.

Norm therapy® 

The Journey of Norm Therapy®: From Humble Beginnings to Transformative Impact

Once, Norm Therapy® was just a fledgling idea, a spark in the dark, aiming to light the way for those lost in the shadows of abuse. In those early days, our mission was clear yet challenging: to offer a beacon of hope to victims and survivors, navigating a world where their pain was often silenced or misunderstood. Resources were limited, and recognition was scarce. Each step forward was a fight against the tide of conventional approaches, where the unique needs of abuse survivors were often sidelined.

Fast forward to today, and Norm Therapy® stands as a testament to resilience and transformative power. No longer confined to the background, we are at the forefront of a movement that champions the dignity and healing of abuse survivors. Our approach, once a whisper in a sea of traditional methods, now roars with the voices of countless individuals we’ve empowered.

We’ve shattered barriers, bringing talk therapy into the light, recognizing it not just as a form of support, but as a lifeline – a crucial step towards healing and reclaiming power. Our reach has expanded globally, touching lives in corners of the world we once could only dream of reaching. The stories of change, of lives turned around, of silenced voices finding their echo, are the milestones marking our journey.

Today, Norm Therapy® is more than a service; it’s a community, a movement, a promise of unwavering support. From the depths of our challenging past to the heights we soar today, we’ve held onto our core belief: everyone deserves a chance to heal, to grow, and to transform their narrative from one of victimhood to victorious living.

In this growth, our commitment remains unshaken. We continue to innovate, to reach out, to heal, and most importantly, to listen. The journey from then to now is not just our story; it’s the story of every individual we’ve had the honor to guide towards a new dawn of hope and healing.

This narrative aims to encapsulate the growth and emotional journey of Norm Therapy® from its inception to its current state of impact.

Price & Plans

A plan which best matches your needs


We accept Major Credit cards and acceptable insurance companies. All of our sessions are provided in packages of 1 or more sessions.  Any block of 10 sessions will result in an 11th session free of charge. You may want to check if your Insurance Policy will accept “Talk Therapy” as one of its areas of coverage. Understanding the importance of insurance coverage for Talk Therapy from the perspective of a customer soliciting such coverage from their insurance provider is crucial. Many individuals who require talk therapy often find themselves at an impasse due to the prohibitive costs associated with these services. Insurance coverage can serve as a lifeline, granting access to essential therapeutic care that may otherwise be financially unattainable.

OFFER: For a limited time, Purchase 10 sessions at once and get 1 Free. This promotion is subject to end without notice. Purchase 10 + 1 Sessions



“Talk Therapy” is the type of coverage you should investigate. If you can get your physician to approve your sessions, it may go a long way in getting your insurance provider to approve the costs of our services.. insurance cover talk therapy translates to more than just cost savings; it symbolizes a societal acknowledgment of the legitimacy and medical necessity of abuse care treatment. It empowers you to proactively seek the help you need without the added stress of financial burden. Furthermore, inquiring and further securing insurance coverage for Talk Therapy removes a significant barrier to entry, enabling a broader demographic to engage in this form of treatment. In doing so, it not only benefits the individual but also has broader implications for public health and productivity. Therefore, the role of insurance providers in facilitating this coverage cannot be overstated; it’s not just a business transaction, but a vital component in the broader ecosystem of healthcare and wellbeing. Check with your insurance provider today!

1 Hour
Talk therapy is the category Norm Therapy® will be under as per Insurance Companies are concerned.
Teaches you new and helpful ways of coping with toxicity, abuse, distress and its impact on your life.
It can help you find healing from anxiety, depression, trauma, and other abuse health-related symptoms, conditions, and issues.
It can help you find healing from anxiety, depression, trauma, and other abuse health-related symptoms, conditions, and issues.
It can positively impact your life and your lived experience.
Norm Therapy®, akin to Psychotherapy, gives you the chance to talk to someone who’s trustworthy and unbiased about your abuse health issues.
Sessions may not be covered by insurance so please investigate your insurance coverages.
It may feel uncomfortable talking with a stranger about your deepest feelings and emotions.
It can take time to see progress or results of treatment.
It may reduce long-term risks of abuse health conditions.
Time consuming
Norm Therapy® can feel like a major time commitment.
1 Hour
A $50 USD Emergency Access Fee (EAF) will be applied to all emergency sessions.
Talk therapy is most likely the category Norm Therapy® will be under as Insurance Companies are concerned.
Teaches you new and helpful ways of coping with toxicity, abuse, distress and its impact on your life.
It can help you find healing from anxiety, depression, trauma, and other abuse health-related symptoms, conditions, and issues.
It can help you find healing from anxiety, depression, trauma, and other abuse health-related symptoms, conditions, and issues.
It can positively impact your life and your lived experience.
Norm Therapy®, akin to Psychotherapy, gives you the chance to talk to someone who’s trustworthy and unbiased about your abuse health issues.
Sessions may not be covered by insurance so please investigate your insurance coverages.
It may feel uncomfortable talking with a stranger about your deepest feelings and emotions.
It can take time to see progress or results of treatment.
It may reduce long-term risks of abuse health conditions.
Time consuming
Norm Therapy® can feel like a major time commitment.
We are currently accepting “Male Applicants” to the Norm Therapy® Intake Specialist Training Program, please express your interest by submitting the form below:
Norm Therapy® is an innovative abuse management interviewing process, centered around our 3 Tenets – Clarity, Assessment, Truth – whereby the Norm Therapist® will interview an eclectic array of Victims or Survivors (V/S) from around the world, to further examine their life narratives and assist the Victim or Survivor in discerning the veracity or the hyperbole surrounding their own experiences and chronology of their pathology..

    NORM THERAPY® WOULD TRADITIONALLY COST $100’S IF NOT $1,000’S OF DOLLARS. help us to raise funds and awareness.

    Learn about what happens within the Abuse Care Community! 

    Norm Therapy® just might change your life as well as the lives of your loved ones.


    Abuse Refuge Org (ARO) will be constantly inviting you to join our causes in an effort to acknowledge and support those who have suffered from abuse. Please click on the button to register, sponsor, and/or donate to our causes when they come available.

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    • ARO BLOG
    • News
    Abuse and violence are widely recognized as public health concerns. Abuse and violence occur in a broad range of relationships. Violence disproportionately affects vulnerable populations. We have to protect children, elders, and other vulnerable populations from abuse.

    Abuse and violence are widely recognized as public health concerns. Abuse and violence occur in a broad range of relationships. Violence disproportionately affects vulnerable populations. We have to protect children, elders, and other vulnerable populations from abuse.

    Elderly Abuse in care homes is a pressing issue that poses significant dangers to some of society's most vulnerable individuals. As the global population ages, more people are entrusted to care homes, where they should receive the respect, compassion, and professional care they deserve. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

    Elderly Abuse in care homes is a pressing issue that poses significant dangers to some of society’s most vulnerable individuals. As the global population ages, more people are entrusted to care homes, where they should receive the respect, compassion, and professional care they deserve. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

    Child Financial Abuse at its core involves the inappropriate use of a child's identity or assets for personal gain. Financial Abuse is a form of mistreatment often overshadowed by its physical and emotional counterparts, which wields a silent yet devastating impact on children

    Child Financial Abuse at its core involves the inappropriate use of a child’s identity or assets for personal gain. Financial Abuse is a form of mistreatment often overshadowed by its physical and emotional counterparts, which wields a silent yet devastating impact on children

    Technology and its societal role have changed drastically over the last 20 years. Smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other commonly used technology provide convenience, putting the world at our fingertips. But what happens when that technology is used to abuse others?

    Technology and its societal role have changed drastically over the last 20 years. Smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other commonly used technology provide convenience, putting the world at our fingertips. But what happens when that technology is used to abuse others?

    Physical Abuse during adolescence is a serious concern that can have far-reaching effects on an individual's development. This form of abuse is not only an immediate harm; it has a long-lasting effect and can cause stunted growth psychologically, emotionally, and physically.

    Physical Abuse during adolescence is a serious concern that can have far-reaching effects on an individual’s development. This form of abuse is not only an immediate harm; it has a long-lasting effect and can cause stunted growth psychologically, emotionally, and physically.

    Domestic Violence can affect anyone, but how it manifests itself may be different depending on the setting in which it occurs. Societal acceptance within a culture can play a large role in the survivor’s decision to leave an abusive situation. Societal acceptance of Domestic Violence is widespread among many developing countries, with 36% of people believing it is justified in certain situations.

    Domestic Violence can affect anyone, but how it manifests itself may be different depending on the setting in which it occurs. Societal acceptance within a culture can play a large role in the survivor’s decision to leave an abusive situation. Societal acceptance of Domestic Violence is widespread among many developing countries, with 36% of people believing it is justified in certain situations.

    Rape is a heinous crime that leaves scars on its survivors, both physically and psychologically. The aftermath of sexual assault can be seen through every aspect of a survivor's life, altering their sense of self, relationships, and overall well-being. Let’s delve into the profound consequences of rape and shed light on the pain endured by Survivors.

    Rape is a heinous crime that leaves scars on its survivors, both physically and psychologically. The aftermath of sexual assault can be seen through every aspect of a survivor’s life, altering their sense of self, relationships, and overall well-being. Let’s delve into the profound consequences of rape and shed light on the pain endured by Survivors.

    Many children who experience child neglect and abuse also have parents who are living with an active addiction. Around 25% of children in the United States are exposed to Alcohol Abuse alone within their families (Shoreline Recovery Center, 2022). 

    Many children who experience child neglect and abuse also have parents who are living with an active addiction. Around 25% of children in the United States are exposed to Alcohol Abuse alone within their families (Shoreline Recovery Center, 2022). 

    Domestic Abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of their background, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality. Around one in five women experience Domestic Abuse in their lifetime from a partner or ex-partner (NHS Inform, 2023). One in three women are affected by Domestic Abuse when pregnant (Tommy’s Pregnancy Hub, 2023).

    Domestic Abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of their background, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality. Around one in five women experience Domestic Abuse in their lifetime from a partner or ex-partner (NHS Inform, 2023). One in three women are affected by Domestic Abuse when pregnant (Tommy’s Pregnancy Hub, 2023).

    Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by excessive self-importance and a constant need for admiration. Narcissists often lack empathy, and their actions can have profound effects on adults in various aspects of their lives (Mitra, P., & Fluyau, D., 2023). 

    Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by excessive self-importance and a constant need for admiration. Narcissists often lack empathy, and their actions can have profound effects on adults in various aspects of their lives (Mitra, P., & Fluyau, D., 2023). 

    In many ways, technology has improved our lives. It is integral to many aspects of our daily lives.

    In many ways, technology has improved our lives. It is integral to many aspects of our daily lives.

    In today's fast-paced and competitive work environments, it's unsurprising that many individuals experience workspace anxiety.

    In today’s fast-paced and competitive work environments, it’s unsurprising that many individuals experience workspace anxiety.

    Abuse is common in relationships but isn't only limited to romantic relationships.

    Abuse is common in relationships but isn’t only limited to romantic relationships.

    Religious organizations vary in their attitudes towards members of the LGBTQ+ community

    Religious organizations vary in their attitudes towards members of the LGBTQ+ community

    Emotional Abuse in children is a deeply concerning issue that often goes unnoticed, leaving lasting scars.

    Emotional Abuse in children is a deeply concerning issue that often goes unnoticed, leaving lasting scars.

    Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder are more frequently diagnosed in sexual assault survivors.

    Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder are more frequently diagnosed in sexual assault survivors.

    Many of us can't comprehend how anyone could shoot a child or youth, no matter their age, relationship, or other factors.

    Many of us can’t comprehend how anyone could shoot a child or youth, no matter their age, relationship, or other factors.

    Centered around a group of women who have been constantly raped and abused

    Centered around a group of women who have been constantly raped and abused

    Human trafficking is one of the most devastating human rights violations happening in the modern world.

    Human trafficking is one of the most devastating human rights violations happening in the modern world.

    We all know Domestic Violence against women is wrong, but do we really know the long-term effects

    We all know Domestic Violence against women is wrong, but do we really know the long-term effects

    Every year, as many as ten million children and teenagers witness Domestic Violence between their parents or caregivers.

    Every year, as many as ten million children and teenagers witness Domestic Violence between their parents or caregivers.

    The elimination of Roe v. Wade has been devastating to many people in the United States

    The elimination of Roe v. Wade has been devastating to many people in the United States

    One of the most common types of Child Abuse is Emotional Abuse

    One of the most common types of Child Abuse is Emotional Abuse

    Workplace Bullying is the repeated mistreatment of an employee in the workplace.

    Workplace Bullying is the repeated mistreatment of an employee in the workplace.

    Abuse Has No Age: Financial Abuse Of Elders And Vulnerable Adults

    Abuse Has No Age: Financial Abuse Of Elders And Vulnerable Adults by- Amanda Hildreth Abuse truly has no age or limits. Financial Abuse is among the top types of Elder…

    Abuse Is not Discriminatory

    Abuse Is not Discriminatory by- Amanda Hildreth Abuse affects members of the LBGTQIA+ community just as much as those in heterosexual relationships. However, some of the tactics used by the…

    Identifying Sexual Abuse in Marriage

    Identifying Sexual Abuse in Marriage by- Hannah Jagiri When people hear Sexual Abuse, it is typically not discussed in the context of marriage. Sexual Abuse can occur even in marriages….

    The Inspiring Story of Kim Carpenter

    The Inspiring Story of Kim Carpenter by- Amanda Hildreth “Your story does not define you.” Kim Carpenter, Abuse Refuge Org’s Norm Therapy® Manager and Norm Therapist®, tells us why she…

    Self-Abuse Through Food

    Self-Abuse Through Food By Roxanne Guiney One large misconception about eating disorders is that they’re all about weight and the aesthetics of being slender. In reality, they are often a…

    Hate Crimes and Their Effects On Society

    Hate Crimes and Their Effects On Society by- Amanda Hildreth A hate crime is abuse, violence, or intimidation of a person for being part of a protected class or certain…

    The Invisible Pandemic: The Effect of COVID-19 on Abuse

    The Invisible Pandemic: The Effect of COVID-19 on Abuse by- Amanda Hildreth  Domestic Violence during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a global health issue. It takes many different forms and…

    Emotional Maltreatment in Children

    Emotional Maltreatment in Children by- Melody Pender Children of all ages are entitled to basic necessities in life including food, clothing, and shelter. However, some guardians and parents exclude the…

    Understanding Self-Abuse

    Understanding Self-Abuse and Learning Ways to Break the Cycle by- Catrese Medley When asked to name several types of abuse, most people do not mention Self-Abuse. Self-Abuse is behavior that…

    Elder Abuse: Signs of Elderly Neglect

    Elder Abuse: Signs of Elderly Neglect by- Madeline Cadiz In most cultures, it is common practice to care for and respect our elders. However, individuals might have different opinions about…

    Recognizing Narcissistic Traits in Parents

    Recognizing Narcissistic Traits in Parents by- Hannah Jagiri Narcissism is a self-centered personality characterized as an excessive interest in the narcissist’s physical appearance or image and an excessive preoccupation with…

    With No Door to Lock: Abuse Against the Homeless

    With No Door to Lock: Abuse Against the Homeless by- Roxanne Guiney Locking doors at night is a simple safety measure many people take for granted. However, those who face…

    Netflix’s “Maid” Illuminates Non-Physical Abuse

    Netflix’s “Maid” Illuminates Non-Physical Abuse by- Catrese Medley Abuse exists in many forms besides Physical Abuse, and can be difficult to recognize unless we educate ourselves and others. Abuse may be…

    Child Neglect

    Child Neglect: How to Protect Our Children by- Amanda Hildreth Neglect can have several long term effects on a child’s mental and physical wellbeing. Children should be in a safe, nourishing,…

    Familial Domestic Abuse

    Familial Domestic Abuse by- Melody Pender Within a family where everyone should feel loved and protected, Domestic Violence can still occur. “In the United States, an estimated 10 million people experience…

    Discriminatory Abuse

    Discriminatory Abuse by- Kimberly Clayton One of the most important protections the federal government provides for society is freedom from Discriminatory Abuse. Unfortunately, regulations and protections still need growth and…

    Coping Mechanisms for Everyday Life

    Coping Mechanisms for Everyday Life by- Jordan McGlamry When life becomes too stressful and overwhelming, we must all remember to take a step back and “Breathe Life”. Sometimes, even doing…

    Non-Binary Abuse

    Non-Binary Abuse by- Whitney Derman  Who identifies as Non-Binary?  Non-Binary individuals identify outside of the male/female gender spectrum. Someone can identify with multiple genders, no gender, or a different gender altogether…

    Weaponizing Nourishment: Abuse Through Food

    Weaponizing Nourishment: Abuse Through Food By- Roxanne Guiney An abuser can exert control and harm through food in many terrifying ways. They might feed their victims spoiled or otherwise inedible…

    Rebuilding Finances After Financial Abuse

    Rebuilding Finances After Financial Abuse By- Madeline Cadiz While not the most common, non-physical forms of abuse can be detrimental to the victims trapped in their situation (Owsley, 2018). One…

    Isolation and Depression

    Isolation and Depression by- Jordan Mcglamry  Throughout the pandemic, isolation was imperative to lessen the spread of the virus. However, isolation has a few drawbacks. HelpGuide offers the signs and…

    Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in Remote Settings

    Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in Remote Settings by- Madeline Cadiz With the pandemic winding down, various states have decided to open schools for in-person learning. However, districts in a…

    Domestic Abuse Through Forced Substance Use

    Domestic Abuse Through Forced Substance Use By- Roxanne Guiney The link between Substance Abuse and Domestic Abuse is very prominent, and these two factors frequently affect the other (Recovery Village,…

    Uplifting & Supporting Abuse Victims After the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

    Uplifting & Supporting Abuse Victims After the Overturning of Roe v. Wade by- Whitney Derman, Roxanne Guiney, & Madeline Cadiz On June 24, 2022, The Supreme Court of the United…

    Understanding Mental Illnesses in Adolescence

    Understanding Mental Illnesses in Adolescence by- Jordan McGlamry  Many mental illnesses begin to form as early as the age of four and continue to impact various areas of life. This…

    The Unintended Victims of Celebrity Gossip: Depp v. Heard

    The Unintended Victims of Celebrity Gossip: Depp v. Heard by- Whitney Derman  Recently, a majority of social media users were bombarded with opinions in the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard…

    Pride Month: Support Through Education

    Pride Month: Support Through Education by- Trinity Turner More than half of LGBTQ Americans report hiding a personal relationship to avoid the experience of discrimination (Gruberg, 2020). No member of…

    When the Parentified Child Becomes an Adult

    When the Parentified Child Becomes an Adult by- Roxanne Guiney We’ve all heard the compliments showered on independent and confident children. She’s so mature for her age. He always puts…

    How to Nurture Your Mental Health

    How to Nurture Your Mental Health By- Whitney Derman May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I wanted to share some wisdom with everyone about mental health. If you struggle…

    Foster Care Awareness Month

    Foster Care Awareness Month by- Brittany Medina Minutes. This is the amount of time children have to pack their belongings before being removed from their homes. Often, a garbage bag…

    Sex Workers Deserve Safety

    Sex Workers Deserve Safety by- Roxanne Guiney “The officer then spoke with [the sex worker] and said, ‘​She could be in a lot of trouble and that he did her a huge…

    Overcoming the Mental Aftermath of Abuse

    Overcoming the Mental Aftermath of Abuse by- Mandie Schreck  Abuse Survivors turn their entire life around during the healing process, but the lasting effects of abuse can still linger. Trauma from…

    Abuse at ICE Facilities

    Abuse at ICE Facilities By- Whitney Derman   U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE has been a sore subject in recent years as people have increasingly become more aware…

    Misdiagnosis and Norm Therapy

    An Interview with Kelly Dehn and Michael Gibson: Misdiagnosis and Norm Therapy By- Whitney Derman  I had the honor of interviewing the two Co-Founders of Abuse Refuge Org (ARO), Kelly…

    Healthy Coping Skills for Abuse Survivors

    Healthy Coping Skills for Abuse Survivors by Mandie Schreck Many Abuse Survivors struggle to regain control of their mind, spirit, and physical body. Coping can be extremely difficult, and many…

    Bisexual Health Awareness Month

    Bisexual Health Awareness Month: Connecting the Bisexual+ Community by Lauren Jacques With the rise of LGBTQ+ acceptance and education in the past few decades, much of the focus has been…

    How do Adult Children of Narcissists Develop in Life?

    How do Adult Children of Narcissists Develop in Life? by Mandie Schreck Growing up in a narcissistic household can affect a child’s development from adolescence to adulthood. Many people who…

    Finding & Maintaining Motivation

    Finding & Maintaining Motivation by Eileen Shea We’re entering into a new year, but the global health crisis that has been at the forefront of all our minds continues —…

    Recognizing Verbal Abuse & Setting Healthy Boundaries

    Recognizing Verbal Abuse & Setting Healthy Boundaries by Mandie Schreck Verbal Abuse can be difficult to overcome and even harder to set boundaries around. Establishing parameters for yourself can be…

    Healing from Generational Trauma

    Healing from Generational Trauma by Whitney Derman Generational Trauma affects many families. It is commonly caused by creating a cycle of abuse by which each generation ends up passing their…

    Is Sexual Abuse Declining, or is it just Underreported?

    Is Sexual Abuse Declining, or is it just Underreported? by Whitney Derman In recent years, reports of Sexual Abuse seem to have gone down slightly. The question is, “Why?” Is…

    Extreme Religious Abuse—Healing Spiritually & Mentally

    Extreme Religious Abuse—Healing Spiritually & Mentally by Mandie Schreck Spiritual or Religious Abuse is very complex because it has many layers. Not only does some Religious Abuse affect individuals mentally…

    Finding and Maintaining Motivation

    Finding and Maintaining Motivation by Eileen Shea Goals Why do we set new goals in a new year? The calendar is simply a reminder to reflect on what you want…

    Narcissistic Parents: How to Heal or Strengthen the Bond

    Narcissistic Parents: How to Heal or Strengthen the Bond by Mandie Schreck Narcissistic Abuse is often correlated with spouses, partners, or even friends, but what if Narcissistic Abuse starts from…

    Healing Begins with Acknowledgement

    Healing Begins with Acknowledgement by Mandie Schreck What are the first steps in the healing journey for individuals who have been abused? Acknowledging the abuse you’ve experienced and having a…

    ARO Breathes Life

    ARO Breathes Life a poem by Josie Nelson Breathe in deep. Expand your lungs. Drop your shoulders. Raise your chest. Exhale s-l-o-w-l-y out your mouth, so you feel wind across…

    Abuse Against Men

    Abuse Against Men by Rashmi Negi We live in a society where young boys are taught not to express emotions and may often feel discouraged to share whatever they are…

    How to Choose a Therapist: What to Look for When Selecting a Perfect Match

    How to Choose a Therapist: What to Look for When Selecting a Perfect Match by Whitney Derman So you’re considering therapy? I’m proud of you for taking that first step…

    Eating Disorders and Self-Abuse

    Eating Disorders and Self-Abuse by Mandie Schreck Over nine percent of Americans (almost 30 million people) have been affected by eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and orthorexia…

    The Difference Between Abuse and Bullying

    The Difference Between Abuse and Bullying by Whitney Derman When I started writing this piece, my first thought was, “How is bullying not a type of abuse?” Both involve a…

    ARO Celebrates World Kindness Day

    ARO Celebrates World Kindness Day by Josie Nelson I’ve always loved the quote, “Throw kindness around like confetti.” It just brings a smile to my face thinking about how simple…

    Love Bombing: A Case Study in Irony

    Love Bombing: A Case Study in Irony by N.M. Bialko The term “love bombing” has become a part of our everyday vernacular and is often used to describe the beginning…

    ARO's Guide for PEACE During the Holidays

    ARO’s Guide for Peace During the Holidays by Josie Nelson The holidays can bring such a whirlwind of emotions and expectations that can be difficult to manage. On one hand,…

    Catching Butterflies: The Metamorphosis of Kim Carpenter

    Catching Butterflies: The Metamorphosis of Kim Carpenter by N.M. Bialko Just before Christmas in 2019, I was home for the holidays but in the throes of a toxic and emotionally…

    Stand Up to Stalking

    Stand Up to Stalking by N.M. Bialko One in six women will experience stalking and 66.2% of the time, it will be by a former partner. What is Stalking? The…

    Are We Living in an Overly Medicated Society?

    Are We Living in an Overly Medicated Society? by Whitney Derman Mental Health awareness has made great strides in the past few decades. It is becoming more common to talk…

    Raising Healthy Children Despite Former Personal Abuse

    Raising Healthy Children Despite Former Personal Abuse by Mandie Schreck Being a survivor of abuse, especially throughout childhood, creates a common fear of raising children and the need to be…

    The Power of Sharing Your Story

    The Power of Sharing Your Story by Eileen Shea It’s not uncommon for abuse victims and survivors to stay silent, even after they’ve escaped their tormentors because of the layered…

    Organizational Abuse

    Organizational Abuse by Mandie Schreck What happens when we are in a work environment or even an institution for medical or mental health care and suffer from abuse? This is…

    The Dangers of Self-Neglect and The Importance of Listening to your Needs

    The Dangers of Self-Neglect and The Importance of Listening to your Needs by Whitney Derman The Department of Health and Human Services defines self-neglect as “the behavior of an older…

    Self-Abuse and Self-Harm Education

    Self-Abuse and Self-Harm Education by Rashmi Negi TW: Discussions of Self-Harm Self-Abuse can be defined as any behavior that causes damage or harm to oneself. This type of abuse has…

    What’s in Your Bag: Self Defense Edition

    What’s in Your Bag: Self Defense Edition by Whitney Derman For many women, traveling alone can be risky, especially at night or in an unfamiliar location. We want to believe…

    Basic Self-Defense Moves Anyone Can Try

    Basic Self-Defense Moves Anyone Can Try by Rashmi Negi It is always better to be mindful and prepared instead of being in an unprepared and compromising position. Mugging, taunting, or…

    Time to Set Healthy Boundaries

    Time to Set Healthy Boundaries by Rashmi Negi A person in a healthy relationship trusts their partner the most and feels secure in their presence. However, this can easily change…

    Giving Tuesday

    Giving Tuesday by Lauren Jacques and Eileen Shea What is Giving Tuesday? Since 2012, Giving Tuesday has been a global event to “encourage people to do good.” The event organizers…

    How to Be There for Someone

    How to be there for Someone by Whitney Derman Being truly there for someone is not a one-size-fits-all package. It can take very different approaches depending on who needs you…

    Prison Abuse

    Prison Abuse by Rashmi Negi Prison Abuse refers to abuse suffered by a person who is incarcerated or under arrest. It can include Physical, Sexual, or Psychological Abuse, among others….

    Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    Domestic Violence Awareness Month by Mandie Schreck October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which has been nationally recognized since 1989. This form of abuse affects over ten million individuals per…

    Never Excuse a Red Flag

    Never Excuse a Red Flag: A Lesson with Post-It Notes by N.M. Bialko I was in an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist. Our relationship consisted of lies. There were…

    Stop Asian Hate

    Stop Asian Hate by Rashmi Negi Hate crimes against the Asian American community are not new, but the COVID-19 pandemic escalated growing tensions, further triggering hate. It can be easy…

    Signs of Spousal Abuse

    Signs of Spousal Abuse by Rashmi Negi Spousal Abuse is also known as Domestic Violence and is perpetrated by one of the partners in an intimate relationship. It can consist…

    Share Your Story

    Share Your Story by Nicole Bialko As team members and subscribers of Abuse Refuge Org (ARO), we understand the importance of educating and protecting others from abuse. We know that…

    Shifts in Cultural Attitudes towards Domestic Violence Through the Last Century

    Shifts in Cultural Attitudes towards Domestic Violence Through the Last Century by Whitney Derman Although it’s been a century since the women’s suffrage movement gave women the privilege to vote…

    Elder Abuse

    Elder Abuse by Rashmi Negi Elder Abuse is an act that causes harm to people ages 60 and above. It can include Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Financial, or Sexual Abuse and…

    Grieving the Loss of an Abuser

    Grieving the Loss of an Abuser by Cali Robins The feeling of loss or grief is an intimate emotion to have. Often, people grieve the loss of people in their…

    Celebrity Abuse: Free Britney Spears

    Celebrity Abuse: Free Britney Spears by Whitney Derman Many child-stars have sued their parents for using them for money, stealing it for themselves, and using their minor status against them….

    The Effects of Bullying in the Workplace and at School

    The Effects of Bullying in the Workplace and at School by Mandie Schreck We have all heard or experienced some form of bullying on the playground at recess or in…

    Spiritual Abuse in the Mind and in the Church

    Spiritual Abuse in the Mind and in the Church by Mandie Schreck Gathering with those who hold like-minded spiritual beliefs is supposed to be a safe haven to worship with…

    Street Harassment

    Street Harassment by Lauren Jacques Is street harassment really that big of a deal? It’s just a compliment, right? You’ve probably heard something along those lines before. Of course, it…

    Narcissism and Aggression

    Narcissism and Aggression by Rashmi Negi A narcissistic person is defined as self-inflated and thinks of themself as a better person than others. As human beings, it’s healthy to have some…

    Domestic Violence vs. Intimate Partner Violence

    Domestic Violence vs. Intimate Partner Violence by Lauren Jacques Depending on whom you ask, Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence may be regarded as the same thing: abuse in a…

    Financial Abuse: Signs and Warnings

    Financial Abuse: Signs and Warnings By Whitney Derman Financial abuse is not talked about nearly enough. It is both terrible on its own and serves to make any other form…

    How to Document Abuse

    How to Document Abuse by Rashmi Negi It is difficult to come to terms emotionally when you are being abused. However, it is crucial to understand the pattern of your…

    How Domestic Abuse Affects the Family

    How Domestic Abuse Affects the Family by Whitney Derman Domestic Abuse affects everyone in the family, not just the victim.  Although this piece will only mention a few examples, it…

    Abuse within the LGBTQ+ Community

    Abuse within the LGBTQ+ Community by Cali Robins The LGBTQ+ community is a large demographic of individuals who identify outside of heterosexuality or identify outside of the gender that they…

    Confronting Your Abuser

    Confronting Your Abuser: Having the Difficult Conversation with Those Who are Hurting You Most by Lauren Jacques It can be challenging to confront the person who has abused you for…


    Self-Care by Rashmi Negi We all experience struggles in our everyday lives, and how you deal with stress and anxiety matters. With busy schedules, it becomes challenging to practice self-care…

    Cyberbullying:  How to Stop, Prevent, and Help the Situation

    Cyberbullying:  How to Stop, Prevent, and Help the Situation by Whitney Derman Bullying has been an issue throughout human history, but with the rise of social media platforms, a relatively…

    Financial Abuse Myths

    Financial Abuse Myths by Daisy Morales Financial Abuse is a form of abuse in which the abuser has control over the economic resources of the abused. Financial abuse can be…


    Consent by Rashmi Negi  The concept of “consent” has been undervalued for too long. Consent usually means a person is voluntarily permitting another person to do something. When it comes…

    Survivor or Victim: How Do You See Yourself?

    Survivor or Victim: How Do You See Yourself? by Lauren Jacques When you think about your trauma, do you see yourself as a victim or a survivor? Do you see…

    How to Get Out of an Abusive Situation

    How to Get Out of an Abusive Situation by Rashmi Negi It can be hard to come to terms emotionally with the fact that you are being abused and even…

    How Abuse Manifests in the Body

    Author Michael View all posts

    Financial Abuse

    Financial Abuse By Cali Robins When people think of abuse, they often think of physical or verbal abuse first. Financial abuse can seem invisible. In domestic situations, the control, restriction,…

    The Rise of Domestic Violence during COVID-19

    Author Rashmi Negi View all posts

    Narcissistic Abuse

    Author Michael View all posts

    Spousal Abuse

    Author Michael View all posts

    Lessons from Norm Therapy

    Lessons from Norm Therapy™ By Lauren Jacques Kelly Dehn, Cofounder of ARO, has been able to help those in abusive situations because of her own life experience. After reaching what…

    Follow Your ARO: Where We are vs. Where We are Going

    Author Michael View all posts

    Speaking Up About Child Abuse

    Speaking Up About Child Abuse By Rashmi Negi According to, more than 3 million children are abused in the United States every year (, 2020). It is appalling that…

    Facts and Statistics on Physical Abuse

    Author Michael View all posts

    5 Signs Of Financial Abuse

    Author Michael View all posts

    What Is Child Abuse and Neglect?

    Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms The first step in helping children who have been abused or neglected is learning to recognize the signs of maltreatment. The presence of a single…


    Our sincerest apologies while perusing our website if you should find any any errors or misrepresentations, please do not hesitate to contact us with your observations, queries and suggestions at “Suggestions”.  We are a 501(c)(3) and we overlapped between Phases 2 & 3 of 5 phases of our ARO Business Model. This phase consists of bringing awareness to the global community, fundraising, selection of personnel (both Administrative & Clinical) as well as the targeting and outreach to the bastions  of abuse victims While developing the Pilot Program for Norm Therapy™. We are currently working with many segments of our global society to further align ARO with the best business practices and corporate excellence.  We deeply appreciate your generous support and patience.

    Please Note:  Some of our graphics, images and content may be unsuitable for minors. Use parental discretion while viewing our website. Oftentimes, abuse is brutal and some may find our platform disturbing. Proceed with caution.


    OUR Service
    Discern Abuse
    Norm Therapy® takes the victim through an elaborate process of identifying their abusive circumstance(s), their strengths, their weaknesses and provides cursory solutions towards preparing the victims for a more formalized professional counselling, therapies, and extraction from their abuse. Further, this process requires a “Last ditch effort response” on behalf of the victim. “It’s impossible to help someone who isn’t helping themselves”.
    Norm Therapy® is an expensive program, costing hundreds even thousands of $ dollars per person, exclusively paid for by ARO. Your generous donations go a long way in creating an effective program further assisting victims and survivors on a path of healing and wellness.
    ARO provides the tools and strategies necessary for survivors to combat the 7 different areas of abuse. Our ‘Truth Series’ Documents and chronicles the historical facts, fallacies, and untruths of the victims thus creating an overview for the clinicians from which the course of treatment(s) can be determined.

    Upon successful completion and thorough review of the victim’s progress during their Norm Therapy® portion of their experience with ARO, we will then assign the appropriate counselor, clinicians, doctor, therapist, etc. to that person to take the Norm Therapy® data and review to further schedule treatment and assistance for that survivor throughout the remainder of their experience with ARO.  Norm Therapy® is a fact-finding mission of the truth so by the time they are ready for professional therapy, it will be based on the truth and solid footing.


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    Our vision to assist and serve at Abuse Refuge Org has taken many years to carry out, establish our niches and define our target audiences.  There exist many abused people in just about every corner of society. We’ve involved many people, governments and organizations around the world to assist us in carrying out our vision(s).  Additionally, we’ve assembled many areas of interests germane to the needs of the majority of the underserved communities.  Thank you for your continued support and participation as we look forward to many years and many assistance-oriented objectives in the future.
    Thank you kindly!


    Our Targeted Objective Audiences Consist Of, Abused Individuals, Families, 501(c)(3)’s [Non-Profits], And The Underserved Nationwide & GLOBAL Communities .



    World Humanitarian Day

    Date: 16 August 2020, 6:00 PM

    Chicago, IL

    The Five Points of Gospel Truth

    Date: 7 July 2020, 10:00 PM

    New York, NY

    Digital Help for Language Volunteers

    Date: 22 June 2020, 2:00  PM

    Atlanta, GA


    Norm Therapy® Disclaimer

    Norm Therapy® does not provide mental health treatment and does not constitute a client/therapist relationship, which will only be established and assigned after a complete initial consult at ARO, completion of the Norm Therapy® and a signed consent upon completion of the aforementioned. We are not licensed Clinical Social Workers. We do not provide diagnosis via our website nor anywhere else within the ARO or Norm Therapy® Communities. The information provided on our site is not a replacement for a therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy or the coaching relationship. The term “Patient” is used throughout the Abuse Care Community.  We use the terms client & patient to categorized the people we serve and in no manner are we referencing any Medical or Mental Healthcare disciplines, communities or audiences. The term “Patient” is strictly used in the context of the Abuse Care Community or Industry.

    The information we provide, in any forum, website or interview, does not replace medical advice. We are not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that we are not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. The information provided in or through ARO’s interviews or website pertaining to your health or wellness, exercise, relationships, business/career choices, finances, or any other aspect of your life’s not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and acknowledge that ARO, any of its staff, nor Norm Therapy® are not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way whatsoever.

    NOTE: Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from our website or through interviews and discussions. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on our website or heard from any of our staff. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly. The information contained on our website has never been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The term Patient is used throughout the Abuse Care Community.  We use the terms client & patient to categorized the people we serve and in no manner are we referencing Medical or Mental Healthcare disciplines, communities or audiences. 

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