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ARO disclosure page

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Current IRS Filings, Status
and More

Cash & In kind Contributions

2020 – $101,778.10
2021 – $104,588.07
2022 – $131,567.10
2023 – 123,005.20


Corporate Donors List

Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)
Amazon Smile (Amazon)
Google Ad Grants (Google)
Microsoft Give
Clean Juice Melbourne

Individual Donors List

Mattie & Michael Lukemire
Ann Sullivan
Mickey Goldberg
Kelly Dehn
Michael Gibson
Morgan Gast
Nicole Leonard
Mark Hamm
Mari Cornwell
Unique Bajimaya
Brybi Mde
Sophia Jalil
Jay Das
Thariny Mayooranathan
Marie Slim
Parvinder Kour
Dezne Fraser
Olivia Tesselaar
Jessica Matsushita
Joshs Hshsdh
Stephen Wright
Erin Hart
Alan Diogenes Dos Santos
Carrie Ward
Brittany Medina
Lauren Paterson
Neelofer Hilal
Norma Firestone
Tianying Cai
Natalie Scott
Kristin Leaf
Valerie Williams
Marlene Wynn
Aimee Pham
Sydney Spatafore
Tarek Brahmi
Bridget Fogarty
Madison Jacob
Mary Brown
Teresa Norman
Leon Kirby
Arsha Antony
Samantha Wheatfall
Jasmine Robinson
Kelly Salameh
Dyma Musallam
Lucy Wohnsdorf
Calea Johnson
Jennifer Singleton
Taelor Majors
Taytheria Lane
Ashley Horwath
Marguerita Johnson
Mary Jennifer Dzmura
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Sarena Coyne
Sarah Grice
Nivedita Sastry Ramanath
Novia Frith-Smith
Sadie Rogot
Ellis Martin
Joy Conkwright
JoBeth Sorensen
Amy Kirlangitis
Deb Hacar
Lyn Jolly
Nicole Haley
Jeri Zinser
Lauren Jacques

ARO currently has over $4M in Grant and Philanthropic requests submitted to various entities around the world.  We can also be located on as a registered Public Charity 501(c)(3) US Government Contractor. Also, Google Ads provide $120,000 per year in Google Ads “In Kind” donations which are calculated in the annual totals.  Specifically, we have been self-financing until we are properly funded in the future.

Thank you all for your continued and passionate support!

Kelly Dehn & Michael Gibson – Cofounders


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ARO Personnel
VOLUNTEER attrition rateS

ARO underwent a huge transformation as we entered 2022.  Working through a Pandemic, with a 250+ fully staffed Volunteer force, was an extremely difficult feat to have undertaken.  Many people came on board and soon after departed. It was not due to any negative reasons.  Simply put, during the last 6 months of 2021 and the first couple of months of 2022, we had lost and replaced more than half of our management team, companywide.  Therefore, the continuity of communications and personal attention to our staff suffered as a result.   In addition, many key members of the organization were selected for the Norm Therapy® Training Cohort and later became a fixture in both their original role as well as with the Norm Therapy® Department. This thinning of management also contributed to the impact.  Lastly, our heavy management and volunteer turnovers were ultimately due to COVID, family matters, moving, sickness and finding work, etc., the continuity waned and quite a few Volunteers fell through the cracks as we tallied the impact.

We are currently back on track and are looking forward to a banner upwardly mobile growth year.  Thank you for all of your continued support and donations,


See illustration below for 1st Qtr. 2022:


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