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Thank you for reaching out to Abuse Refuge Org (ARO) & Norm Therapy®️, Inc.. We hope you’re doing as well as you can be during these challenging times. We’re glad you’re considering Norm Therapy®️ to help you navigate your abusive situation.

We are almost fully booked through October 2023 and much of November 2023, and slots for the rest of the year are filling up quickly. Clarification of our pricing and payment options to help you make an informed decision are as follows:

Our current session pricing is at $100/hour

Starting in Jan 1, 2024, our session prices will increase from $100/hour to a range between $110-$120/hour. For already existing cases, the price will remain the same until the 15th session. At this point, the new pricing will be mandatory.

We will remain competitively priced to ensure accessibility. We only provide for the purchase of 5 session online packages at $100/hour for all of our Norm Therapy®️ Sessions. This option secures your priority for future sessions. If you purchase your sessions before the price increase, we will honor the old price for up to 15 sessions in addition to your already purchased sessions.

Emergency sessions are available for urgent consultations ONLY with a 50% premium due to high demand and tight scheduling.

To proceed, you must complete this Victim/Survivor form. This will help us to assess your needs and arrange scheduling based on the severity of your case. From there, we will confirm your status and proceed accordingly.

Please complete the payment. This action will trigger your first appointment. If this is an emergency, please find an icon at the bottom of the payment page to pay the additional 50% premium to be prioritized and placed at the top of the list for your initial interview.

For example: if your original session fee is $100 USD, for the first session ONLY, you will pay $150 for an Emergency Session. All remaining sessions will be at the original $100 price. Note: Every time an emergency session is scheduled, the value of the session will always carry a 50% premium. If you miss any sessions, there will be no refunds for that session missed.

Your well-being is our priority, and we look forward to assisting you on your healing journey. Please let us know how you’d like to proceed.

Again, we lament that you are undergoing these circumstances. We look forward to speaking with you soon. Everything starts with filling out our Victim & Survivor form and our Sessions Payment form.


Per Session
Regular Session
Scheduled Sessions
Fully Certified Norm Therapist®
Weekdays & Evenings
Per Session
Priority Session
Fully Certified Norm Therapist®
Weekends, Weekdays & Evenings
An Additional $50 Per Emergency Session
Per Session
Scheduled Sessions
Fully Certified Norm Therapist®
Weekdays & Evenings

Norm Therapy® takes the victim through an elaborate process of identifying their abusive circumstance(s), their strengths, their weaknesses and provides cursory solutions towards preparing the victims for a more formalized professional counselling, therapies and possible extraction from their abuse. Further, this process requires a “Last ditch effort response” on behalf of the victim. “It’s impossible to help someone who isn’t helping themselves”.  This service costs ARO thousands of dollars for each group to successfully complete our Norm Therapy™ program.  Access to traditional abuse care treatment is limited and cost prohibited.  Only a small segment of our global society are able to enjoy the services of psychologists, clinicians, therapists, psychiatrists, doctors and the like.  For these reasons, ARO is currently raising monies and awareness, on the highest levels, to develop a cost free access portal to all of your abuse care related therapeutic needs. Norm Therapy®  helps you to recall the origins of how events actually occur in life so you don’t have to defend the things that don’t. The only way to your truth is to trust us at ARO. We have nothing to gain but your wellness.

Norm Therapy® Victim/Survivor Signup
NT Application & Consent Form | WARNING; LIVE Consent Form if You Check The Box Below
First Name
Last Name
Provide Mobile Phone
Zip/Postal/Mail Codes
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Please comprehensively explain why you chose Norm Therapy™?
Please comprehensively explain why you chose Norm Therapy™?
Please comprehensively explain why you chose Norm Therapy™?
Availability Date

Norm Therapy® Disclaimer 

Norm Therapy® does not provide mental health treatment and does not constitute a client/therapist relationship, which will only be established and assigned after a complete initial consult at ARO, completion of the Norm Therapy® and a signed consent upon completion of the aforementioned. We are not licensed Clinical Social Workers. We do not provide diagnosis via our website nor anywhere else within the ARO or Norm Therapy® Communities. The information provided on our site is not a replacement for a therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy or the coaching relationship. The information we provide, in any forum, website or interview, does not replace medical advice. We are not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that we are not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. The information provide
in or through Norm Therapy® & ARO’s interviews or website pertaining to your health or wellness, exercise, relationships, business/career choices, finances, or any other aspect of your life’s not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and acknowledge that ARO, any of its staff, nor Norm Therapy® are not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way whatsoever.

NOTE: Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from our website or through interviews and discussions. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on our website or heard from any of our staff. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly. The information contained on our website has never been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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