Political Abuse is an area that may be overlooked but can have serious consequences for individuals and communities. It can affect people’s ability to participate freely and fully in the democratic process, and it can lead to further divisions and hostilities within society.
Political Abuse encompasses verbal threats, physical assault, cyberbullying, intimidation, and harassment against an individual based on their political affiliation or beliefs. It can also include the abuse of power by someone in a position of political authority, such as an elected official, who asserts undue control over others.
Identifiable Victim Markers (IVMs):
• Compliance: The victim may comply with the abuser’s demands or beliefs out of fear or intimidation.
• Conditioned Beliefs: The victim may come to believe certain political ideologies or accept the abusive behavior as normal, due to manipulation or coercion.
• Detachment: Emotional detachment may result from feeling alienated or ostracized based on political affiliation or beliefs.