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Narcissism and Aggression
by Rashmi Negi
A narcissistic person is defined as self-inflated and thinks of themself as a better person than others. As human beings, it’s healthy to have some self-worth, but narcissists have far more than others.

People with high narcissism think they deserve special treatment because of their supposed superiority. They don’t seem to be familiar with terms like “humility” or “compassion.” Without care for others, aggression and behavior with intent to harm others can become an issue.

Is there a connection?
The American Psychological Association’s meta-analytic review examined a link between narcissism and aggression. A total of 437 studies involving over 123,000 participants found that narcissism was related to aggression and violence, especially under provocation. Narcissism was related to all forms of aggression, such as direct, indirect, verbal, physical, bullying, and more.

The relationship between narcissism and aggression was significant in males and females and people of all age groups, such as students and non-students from all different parts of the country (Kjærvik & Bushman, 2021).

How does Narcissism affect relationships?
Together, narcissism and aggression can be extremely dangerous as narcissists may have no remorse for their actions. They feel unique and superior among others with all rights to do or behave in any manner they wish. In any relationship, a serious red flag is one partner believing that they are more important than the other and prioritizing themselves at the other’s expense.

Especially if a partner turns violent when something does not go according to their wish, it is time to rethink the whole relationship. It is essential to realize that violence has no place in any relationship, no matter how grave the situation is.

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Kjærvik, S. L., & Bushman, B. J. (2021). The link between narcissism and aggression: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 147(5), 477–503.


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